Posted on: Dec 20 2018
By: editor
Injectable fillers are the second most popular cosmetic treatment, after Botox. But with the plethora of fillers out there, how are you to know which one is the best for which area? Here are some tips. Feel free to print this out and bring it to your next injectable filler appointment!
Lips: There are a number of great fillers for the lips. Restylane Silk and Restylane Defyne are great to plump up the lips softly. Juvederm Ultra Plus is a lip filler that can give long-lasting results. For a softer, gentler look, consider Restylane Refyne or Juvederm Volbella.
Nasolabial Folds (smile lines): These are the grooves that extend between the sides of your nose to the corners of the mouth. My preferred fillers for this area are Juvederm Ultra Plus, Restylane Refyne, and Restylane Lyft.
Cheeks: Adding volume back into the cheeks is one of my favorite things to do. In this area, I prefer Juvederm Voluma and Restylane Lyft. Sculptra Aesthetic is also a nice, longer lasting filler for the cheeks but necessitates multiple treatments.
Marionette Lines: These fine lines and grooves can be challenging to treat. Currently, my favorite fillers for this area are Restylane Refyne and Restylane Defyne.
Jowls and Laxity: There is a new technique that I’ve been doing to subtly tighten and lift the jawline using Juvederm Vollure. The filler is a little sticky, so it seems to work better to do this versus the other fillers.
These are just a few of the many areas of the face that we can treat with fillers. If you’d like to learn more about what injectable fillers can do for you, check out my recent podcast with plastic surgeon Dr. Roy Kim. You can check it out on iTunes by clicking HERE or on the Stitcher app for Android phones HERE.
If you’re like most of my patients, you’ve tried many diets to lose weight and feel better. But have you tried a true detox? If you’re interested in learning how a detox (instead of a diet) can help you lose weight, improve your energy, reduce food cravings, improve your skin, and even clear up brain fog, then check out my good friend Robyn Openshaw’s The Green Smoothie Girl FREE Detox Video Masterclass. She’ll give you the straight scoop on Detoxing! Join for free by clicking HERE.
Here are the latest episodes of my podcast, The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. Please SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single information-packed show!
Episode #116– The Best Options for Lifting the Face: From Non-Invasive to the Lift-and-Fill Facelift with Dr. Rod Rohrich – Jowls, drooping skin, a sagging neck – these happen to everyone eventually. So, what can you do about it? There are so many options for lifting the face today, including lasers, threadlifts, minifacelifts, FaceTite, and real facelifts. So how do you choose which is the best option for you?
On this episode we’ll discuss the best non-invasive and minimally invasive ways to tighten the face and neck, and reveal when is the right time to consider an actual facelift. We will also reveal our thoughts on some of the trending but controversial treatments in facial rejuvenation today.
To learn more, listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.
Episode #115 – International Cosmetic Medicine Trends and What’s In Our Future with Wendy Lewis – Here in the United States, we are often the last people to gain access to new cosmetic treatments. It’s not uncommon for doctors overseas to have the latest technological advancement years before it hits our shores.
So in this episode, I’m joined by an expert in cosmetic medicine who’s seen the newest trends overseas, and is going to give us the scoop on what the future holds for anti-aging treatments for us. This includes the newest alternatives to Botox, advances in filler treatments, exciting updates in non-invasive fat reduction, and experimental breast implants that are making waves overseas.
If you’ve ever wanted to look into a crystal ball for plastic surgery, then this episode is for you.
Listen HERE on Apple devices or HERE on Android.
Tagged with: Cosmetic Treatments, Detox, detroit, diet, Dr. Anthony Youn, Dr. Rod Rohrich, dr. youn, Facial Fillers, fillers, Injectable Fillers, Juvederm, Lip Fillers, Michigan, plastic surgery, Podcast, Restylane, Wendy Lewis
Posted in: Plastic Surgery News