breast correction – case 1

Case ID: 11481

front: this patient had severe capsular contracture from ruptured old silicone gel implants. they were corrected by dr. youn with a capsulectomy (scar tissue removal), removal of her ruptured implants, and placement of more appropriate sized implants. her breasts are now soft and move normally.

oblique: this patient had severe capsular contracture from ruptured old silicone gel implants. they were corrected by dr. youn with a capsulectomy (scar tissue removal), removal of her ruptured implants, and placement of more appropriate sized implants. her breasts are now soft and move normally.


this patient had severe capsular contracture from ruptured old silicone gel implants. they were corrected by dr. youn with a capsulectomy (scar tissue removal), removal of her ruptured implants, and placement of more appropriate sized implants. her breasts are now soft and move normally.