Cases in breast correction
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Breast Correction – Case 22
Breast Correction – Case 21
breast correction – case 3
this patient had a capsular contracture of the left breast implant, causing it to be unnaturally elevated and hard. dr. youn released the scar tissue and replaced the implant. her breast is now much softer and more natural.
this patient had a capsular contracture of the right breast with the implant unnaturally elevated under the muscle. dr. youn performed a release of the capsular scar tissue and placed implants in a new pocket above the muscle, causing them to become softer and move more naturally.
this patient had severe capsular contracture from ruptured old silicone gel implants. they were corrected by dr. youn with a capsulectomy (scar tissue removal), removal of her ruptured implants, and placement of more appropriate sized implants. her breasts are now soft and move normally.
this patient had old, hard, ruptured silicone implants which were replaced by new memory gel silicone implants and the breasts softened.
this patient had severe breast asymmetry and unnaturally hard, elevated breasts after her breast augmentation was performed by another plastic surgeon. dr. youn released her scar tissue and placed new implants, creating a soft, natural, symmetrical result. the space between her breasts is part of her normal anatomy.
this patient had a ‘snoopy deformity.’ a previous surgeon placed textured implants under the muscle, resulting in hard and unnaturally elevated breasts. dr. youn removed the old implants, placed new implants into new pockets above the muscle, and performed lifts. her breasts are now soft and more realistic.
this patient had severely asymmetric breasts. she underwent a breast augmentation to create better symmetry.