breast correction – case 4

Case ID: 11474

front: this patient had a 'snoopy deformity.' a previous surgeon placed textured implants under the muscle, resulting in hard and unnaturally elevated breasts. dr. youn removed the old implants, placed new implants into new pockets above the muscle, and performed lifts. her breasts are now soft and more realistic.

oblique: this patient had a 'snoopy deformity.' a previous surgeon placed textured implants under the muscle, resulting in hard and unnaturally elevated breasts. dr. youn removed the old implants, placed new implants into new pockets above the muscle, and performed lifts. her breasts are now soft and more realistic.


this patient had a ‘snoopy deformity.’ a previous surgeon placed textured implants under the muscle, resulting in hard and unnaturally elevated breasts. dr. youn removed the old implants, placed new implants into new pockets above the muscle, and performed lifts. her breasts are now soft and more realistic.