Five Tips to Get Better Skin TODAY!

  • Posted on: Jul 6 2021
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Believe it or not, there are steps you can take TODAY to start improving your skin! Here are five simple tips to help you on your skin care journey.

Take a Collagen Supplement – Collagen makes up the building blocks of the skin, and as we age, it degrades. Studies have shown that taking a collagen supplement can help replenish the collagen of your skin, giving you additional volume and improved skin quality. I recommend my YOUN Beauty Supplemental Collagen, which is a tasteless powder that dissolves into your water, tea, coffee, or smoothies each day!

Practice Intermittent Fasting – I’m a huge advocate for intermittent fasting. The trick is to only eat during an 8-hour window every day. This triggers stem cell creation that can help rejuvenate the skin and body!

Use a Retinol Cream – This should be the staple of your anti-aging skin care regimen! Retinol exfoliates the skin, thickens the dermis of the skin, reduces pigmentation, and takes care of fine lines and wrinkles. Use this every night to every other night, depending on how sensitive your skin is. My YOUN Beauty Retinol Moisturizer is a favorite and can really work to help improve your skin over time.

Start Meditating – Stress ages our skin, but meditation is incredibly beneficial to help kick that stress. It doesn’t have to be a fancy process! One simple way to do this is to take 10 minutes each day to sit in a quiet room and simply focus on your breathing during that time. I bet you’ll be amazed at what meditation can do for your health and sleep patterns!

Try Dermaplaning – This is a very popular treatment in my office! Dermaplaning exfoliates the skin by removing dead skin cells while also getting rid of the “peach fuzz” that can make the skin appear dull. After this treatment, you’ll see a healthier glow!

Try these out, and let me know what works for you!

Here are the latest episodes of my podcast, The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. Please SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single information-packed show!

Episode #244 – Answering YOUR Questions with Dr. Anthony Youn – You have questions! I have answers!

Each day I get hundreds of questions asked to me on my social media platforms. Is Botox safe? How often should I exfoliate my skin? How do I get rid of loose skin of my neck? And many more.

I answer these and others of your frequently asked questions. It’s a high-yield episode in terms of learning!

To learn more, listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.


Episode #243 – A Dermatologist’s Top 10 Tips for Glowing Skin with Dr. Whitney Bowe – Sometimes, making simple changes to what you eat, what you put on your skin, and how you live your life can have major impacts on how your skin looks.

For example, did you know that simple is often better when it comes to skin care? Or that studies show eating dairy can lead to breakouts and adult acne?

One of the nation’s most prominent dermatologists, shares with us her top 10 tips to achieve healthy skin. These are simple, holistic tips that you can and should start today to get you on the path to compliments from your family and friends.

Listen HERE on Apple devices or HERE on Android.

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