The Most Cost-Effective Age-Reversing Treatment

  • Posted on: Oct 17 2018
  • By:

Looking younger can be expensive. I get it. Botox and fillers can cost $500 or more per session. Laser treatments can cost in the several thousands of dollars. And surgery is much more. So what is the most cost-effective, in-office treatment that actually works to turn back aging?


Simply put, this treatment uses a powered, hand-held device that creates micropunctures to the skin. This results in a controlled trauma to the skin that causes the collagen to rejuvenate and the skin to look smoother and feel tighter afterwards.

In addition, these tiny holes can act as temporary conduits to allow anti-aging serums to penetrate to the deep skin. Growth factors are primarily used, either in the form of your own blood or in a pure serum. These growth factors are applied to the surface, seep into the tiny puncture holes, and rejuvenate the skin from the inside out.

Microneedling is usually quite pain-free, and downtime varies depending on how aggressive the session is. I ideally recommend three treatments spaced approximately six weeks apart. although most patients see a nice change after just one treatment.

If you’re looking for an easy but effective way to rejuvenate your skin, then you might want to look into microneedling with application of growth factor!

Here are the latest episodes of my podcast, The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. Please SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single information-packed show!

Episode #107– A Plastic Surgeon’s Top Seven Non-Surgical Tips for Looking Your Best with Dr. Sanjiv Kayastha– On this episode, I’m joined by a board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon who provides his patients the entire spectrum of treatment options, from skin care to lasers to injections to surgery. We’re going to get to the bottom of what treatments you should consider having done, and in what order, so you can make the best of your time and money.

His recommendations are simple, make sense, and are easy to start. We’ll reveal why you don’t necessarily need surgery to look and feel your best.

To learn more, listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.

Episode #106 – It Might Be Mold! How To Know If Mold Is Affecting Your Family’s Health with Dr. Ann Shippy – Weakness. Fatigue. Chronic pain. Thinning hair. Frequent headaches. Brain fog. Rashes. Chronic cough. All of these could be symptoms of mold toxicity.

It’s believed that approximately 25% of buildings in the United States have some sort of water damage which could lead to mold.

On this episode, I’m joined by an expert in mold toxicity. She and her family developed tremendous health issues which baffled her doctors. It wasn’t until they determined that the cause was toxic mold and got rid of it that their health improved. Now she’s made it her mission to help others heal from mold-related medical problems and take steps to avoid mold toxicity.

Listen HERE on Apple devices or HERE on Android.

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