Tired, exhausted, gaining weight?

  • Posted on: Dec 16 2019
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I don’t usually blog more than once a week, but I think this message is one you need to hear today.

Have you ever really stopped and listened to what your body is trying to tell you?

You know, those nagging aches and pains. The tiredness that you just can’t seem to shake. The bloat. The bags and dark circles under your eyes. They are all signs that something isn’t right. It’s your body’s way of saying, “Hey, I need a little attention over here!”

Have you been giving your body the attention it needs or do you just keep ignoring it?

We’ve all been there. Burning the candle at both ends and telling ourselves we just have to get through this “next” thing and then we’ll get on track. But there’s always another “next” thing waiting and it keeps us derailed.

Do you know what happens when you ignore your body and the signals it’s trying to send you for too long?

My friend and fellow Michigander, Dr. Kellyann Petrucci does, and it led to a major crash and burn that left her passed out on an airplane. At the time she was stressed out, overworked, running on too little sleep, and reaching for whatever was around to fuel herself. The airplane episode was her wake up call. After that, she sat down and did what she does best, create a plan that packs a nutritional punch while working quickly to restore health. She shares what she did to reset and restore herself in just 5 days in her newest book, Dr. Kellyann’s Cleanse and Reset.

Because Dr. Kellyann knows just how easy it is to ignore the signs of approaching burnout, she created an assessment that quickly and easily identifies whether a person is in great health or on the verge of their own crash and burn, and she wants to share it with you.

Download your FREE assessment by clicking here!

Once you take the assessment, Dr. Kellyann offers tips on how to restore your health, take it to the next level, and maintain the results.

Ready to get back to feeling like yourself again? Take this free assessment and grab your copy of Dr. Kellyann’s Cleanse and Reset to reclaim your health!

Check out her new bestselling book on Amazon by clicking HERE.

Episode #167 Cosmetic Scams – What to Avoid and What to Do Instead with Dr. Christian Subbio – Today’s hot new cosmetic treatment is often tomorrow’s abandoned option. There are so many trending treatments that come and go in cosmetic medicine, it’s hard for consumers and patients to know what is best for them.

On this episode I’m joined by one of the country’s most outspoken and reputable plastic surgeons. He’s going to give us what he considers to be the five worst cosmetic treatments and explain why these trendy options being sold by thousands of doctors around the country just don’t cut it. And I’ll give you a quick hint: he and I don’t necessarily agree on all of them. He will also give us the two treatment options that he swears by as being worth your money.

To learn more, listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.

Episode #166Lasers 101: How to Pick the Right Treatment for You with Dr. Anthony Youn – The term “laser” is a buzzword in plastic surgery and medicine in general. Many doctors are promoting the use of lasers as better options than other, more traditional therapies. And they charge you a lot more for it as well. But are all laser treatments worth spending the extra money on? And if so, which ones?

On this episode I’m going to teach you everything you need to know about cosmetic laser treatments to make you an informed consumer. We’ll go over how they work, the economics of laser treatments, and which lasers I recommend and which ones I encourage you to stay away from. If you’ve ever considered laser treatments to rejuvenate your skin, remove your hair, get rid of tattoos, lighten dark spots, and more, then I’m giving you the information that you absolutely must know.

Listen HERE on Apple devices or HERE on Android.

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Posted in: Plastic Surgery News