Tips to Look Great While Stuck At Home

  • Posted on: Apr 10 2020
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YPS has been closed for over three weeks. It’s something I never would have expected in my 15 years in private practice.

However, I’m glad that we are closed. Unlike some cosmetic offices which remained opened until the governor ordered them to shut down, I’m proud that we decided to put safety over profits once the severity of the situation presented itself.

However, three weeks later, you may find that the results of your previous cosmetic treatments with us are starting to wear off! So what can you do?

Although these options won’t completely take the place of seeing one of our expert injectors or aestheticians, they can help keep your skin looking youthful while stuck at home:

1. Retinol – If there is one thing everyone must do, it’s use a retinol moisturizer every night. Most doctors agree that retinol is the most studied and effective anti-aging non-prescription skin care product available. Most skin care lines have a retinol cream, so you can find them online. Otherwise, the YOUN Beauty Retinol Moisturizer is, by far, our top seller. And like all YOUN Beauty products, it is made with natural and organic ingredients. You can check it out by clicking HERE.

2. Extend your Latisse – You didn’t hear this from me, but to make your Latisse last longer, yet still give you luscious lashes, do this: Apply a drop of Latisse onto the applicator. Swipe your right eyelid, then your left eyelid- both with the same applicator and only one drop of Latisse. The next day do the same thing, except swipe your left eyelid first, then your right. When you run out of applicators, use a Q-tip to apply the leftover Latisse in the bottle. This will make your Latisse last two to three times longer than the manufacturer recommends.

3. Try a Dermal Roller – Miss your microneedling sessions with Monica or Paula? Although it’s not the same, a dermal facial roller can help modestly microneedle your skin while you wait for the restrictions to lift. You can find one for less than $20 on Amazon by clicking HERE.

4. Plump Your Lips Without Filler – One simple and inexpensive way to plump your lips without filler is to put a couple drops of food-grade peppermint oil into your lip gloss, mix it up, and then apply to your lips. The peppermint oil will make your lips feel tingly (if it stings you put too much in!) and mildly swell up. This is perfect if you want a plumper pout for a Zoom call or a date with your live-in significant other!

5. IPL Alternative – IPL is no doubt the most effective and quickest option to lighten dark spots. But what if you can’t get IPL? Try a brightening cream. A hydroquinone based brightening cream, like the ZO Skin Health Pigment Control Cream, is extremely effective but must be physically purchased through a doctor’s office. Another option is to look for brightening creams that contain ingredients such as kojic acid and niacinamide. We offer a nice one called the YOUN Beauty Brightening Cream, which you can check out online by clicking HERE.

Here are the latest episodes of my podcast, The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. Please SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single information-packed show!

Episode #182 Reverse Autoimmune Disease Using the Power of Food with Dr. Terry Wahls – Dr. Terry Wahls was diagnosed with progressive multiple sclerosis, confined to a wheelchair, and told by her neurologists to get her affairs in order. Instead of giving up, however, she researched the foods that power the mitochondria in the brain, completely revamped her diet, and in less than twelve months she was off her medications and riding her bicycle to work.

Using principles that worked for her, Dr. Wahls is now helping thousands of people with multiple sclerosis and other debilitating autoimmune conditions to get their lives back. Using a protocol which focuses on eating the right amounts of real foods, Dr. Wahls is one of functional and holistic medicine’s leaders in educating the public and other doctors on the power of food as medicine.

On this episode, Dr. Wahls shares with us her story and the protocol she uses to heal autoimmune disease. We discuss which types of foods should be removed from the diet, which foods to add, and what lifestyle modifications can make major changes for our health. It’s an eye-opening discussion with a true trailblazer in functional and holistic medicine.

To learn more, listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.

Episode #181.5Coronavirus / Covid-19 and Your Children: Tips To Keep Them Healthy and Happy with Dr. Elisa Song – If the Coronavirus pandemic creates extreme anxiety and stress for us adults, how does it impact our children?

On this episode, I’m joined by an integrative, board-certified pediatrician Dr. Elisa Song. We discuss all the issues and concerns regarding Coronavirus and our children, including: How susceptible are our children to developing COVID-19? What can certain foods or nutritional supplements do to prevent getting the virus? What lifestyle modifications can keep us healthy during this concerning time? And how should we talk to our children about Coronavirus and COVID-19?

Dr. Song has some great answers for you this week. This is a must-listen for all parents of school age children.

Listen HERE on Apple devices or HERE on Android.

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Posted in: Plastic Surgery News