Nutritional Supplements You Should Be Taking and Why

  • Posted on: Jul 17 2019
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What nutritional supplements should you take? This is a question I get asked of me all the time. Like most plastic surgeons, I was taught absolutely nothing about nutrition and nutritional supplements in medical school and residency. So I’ve spent the past three years researching, reading peer-reviewed studies, and learning from my holistic health colleagues. 

The main problem is that nobody eats a perfect diet. Industrial farming practices have depleted our soil of nutrients, resulting in food that is less nutritious than at any time in the past. One study looked at the nutritional data for 43 fruits and vegetables between 1950 to 1999 and discovered a statistically significant reduction in the amount of six key nutrients – protein, calcium, phosphorous, iron, riboflavin and vitamin C.

Another study looked at 70 diets and analyzed each to see if they would supply 100% of the RDA recommended micronutrient levels to determine whether food alone may supply enough nutrients to prevent deficiency – every single one fell short.

So this is why holistic health docs are so much on the nutritional supplement bandwagon. Given this, I’ve come up with five anti-aging and skin-healthy nutritional supplements I believe pretty much everyone should take:

1. Collagen – Placebo-controlled clinical trials have shown that taking a collagen supplement can increase the density of the collagen in the skin and improve the skin’s hydration and elasticity. Bone broth is a great natural source of collagen (albeit a pain to make!). 

2. Collagen-Supporting Multivitamin – A daily multivitamin is great, but one that specifically supports the collagen in your hair, skin and nails? Even better! Some prime components should include Vitamins C and A, biotin, green tea extract, and zinc. 

3. Variety of Antioxidants – Antioxidants are our body’s prime defense against free radicals, oxidation, and inflammation. It’s tough to eat sufficient amounts and a wide enough variety of colorful fruits and vegetables to supply the body with the antioxidants it needs. Therefore, an antioxidant supplement with a variety of antioxidants is a key component of an anti-aging nutritional supplement routine. 

4. Fish Oil – Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and moisturize your skin from the inside out. Inflammation is one of the main drivers of premature aging, so a good fish oil is super important to combat it. Just make sure your fish oil is of the highest quality, as some cheaper ones can come rancid. Also be sure to refrigerate your fish oil after opening it. 

5. Daily Probiotic – The key here is to make sure you get enough CFU (colony forming units). There are trillions of bacteria in our intestines, so any probiotic must have between 5 to 15 billion CFU to be truly effective. Like fish oil, remember to refrigerate it. I recommend checking out the refrigerator section at your local health food store.

The above supplements are available at your local health food store or my online store at If you’re interested in trying the entire YOUN Health Anti-Aging Supplement System (all the products above except the probiotic) click HERE to receive $20 off the bundle of four products and receive FREE shipping. Subscribe and save an additional 10% off!

Here are the latest episodes of my podcast, The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. Please SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single information-packed show!

Episode #146– The Latest Treatments in Non-Invasive Vaginal Rejuvenation with Dr. Christine Hamori – Did you know that there are a plethora of non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments to improve how things look, feel, and function down under?

Rejuvenation of the private parts is the fastest growing segment of cosmetic surgery today. These procedures are super effective to enhance a woman’s sexual experience, improve the appearance of the area, and even non-invasively reduce bladder leakage and urinary incontinence! 

On this episode, I’m joined by the country’s top expert in vaginal rejuvenation. She’s going to tell you all about the newest options, including the labial puff, scarless labiaplasty, Viveve, Votiva, ThermiVa, the OShot, and more. And she’s going to reveal a simple, take home device where you can get these results in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

To learn more, listen HERE with Apple devices or HERE with Android phones.

Episode #145 – Anti-Aging Nutritional Supplements – What Should You Take and Why? With Dr. Anthony Youn – Interested in learning more about nutritional supplements than what I’ve summarized above?

On this episode, I do a deep-dive into anti-aging nutritional supplements. I’ll give you the straight scoop on why nutritional supplements are important, which supplements you should consider taking, the studies that support my beliefs, and where you can get the supplements I recommend.

Listen HERE on Apple devices or HERE on Android.

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