bucccal lipectomy – case 1
this patient had a wide, round face which was made thinner by a buccal lipectomy, submental liposuction, and a chin augmentation.
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this patient had a wide, round face which was made thinner by a buccal lipectomy, submental liposuction, and a chin augmentation.
this patient desired a stronger chin and a more masculine shaped face. he underwent facial fat grafting to the cheeks and chin to strenthen these areas, and a buccal lipectomy to thin out the lower face.
notice how the buccal lipectomy thins the lower face. this patient also underwent a facelift.
this patient underwent upper blepharoplasty only.
this patient underwent lower blepharoplasty only.
this patient underwent upper and lower blepharoplasty.
this patient underwent a pinch lower blepharoplasty and facelift.
this patient underwent upper and lower blepharoplasty.
this patient underwent upper and lower blepharoplasty.